Forest Hill Grants 2020/21
The following organisations were recipients of those grants. A total of $190,375.62 was paid to:
Appin Park Parents Association, Avenel Preschool, Balnarring Preschool, Barmah Kindergarten & Occasional Child Care Centre Inc., Barry Beckett Children's Centre Inc., Bayside Toy Library, Berwick Church of Christ, Bestchance Child & Family Care, Bundoora Preschool, Carnegie Toy Library, Community Kinders Plus Inc., Eildon Road Children Centre Inc., Elwood Toy Library Inc., Emerald Hill Toy Library, Greater Shepparton City Council, Kew Toy Library Inc., Kingston Toy Library, Knitting For The Needy Community Support Group Inc., Knox & District Toy Library, Kyogle Preschool & OSHC Association Incorporated, Maroondah Toy Library Inc., Maryborough Toy Library, Mater Dei Preschool, Meadows Primary School Early Learning Centre-Community Hub, Mildura Toy Library, Moonee Valley Toy Library, Mt Evelyn Community Toy Library Association Inc., Northern and Inner Multiple Birth Association, Nth Ringwood Community Children's Centre Inc., Rosebud Toy Library, Roxburgh Rise Primary School, Springvalley Preschool Inc., Sutherland Shire Council, Talbingo 3 Year Old Kindergarten, The Lady Gowrie Child Centre (Melbourne) Inc., Very Special Kids, Vision Australia Ltd, Whorouly & District Preschool.
Warrawong grants 2020/21
The following organisations were recipients of those grants. A total of $225,118.00 was paid to:
Balnarring Preschool, Bestchance Children's Centre, City of Whittlesea, Dawson Street Childcare Cooperative, Early Childhood Australia-Vic Branch, Goulburn Region Preschool Association Inc., Kinglake Ranges Children's Centre, Lockington Kindergarten- Shine Bright, Moreland Community Child Care Centres, Noah's Ark Inc., North East Regional Pre School Association, Play Australia (IPA Australia), Playgroup Victoria, Rowen Street Kindergarten, Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children, Schools Plus, Skye Children's Co-op., Tarralla Kindergarten Association Incorporated, TRY Children's Services (TRY), Uniting Vic Tas., Uniting Victoria and Tasmania, Uniting Wimmera, Uniting Wimmera Regional Family Day Care, Victorian Association of TESOL (VicTESOL).