Frequently Asked Questions about the Conditions of the Warrawong Funding
1. Are private organisations able to apply for Warrawong funding?
No. we do not provide funds to 'for profit' organisations.
2. Will you consider funding an organisation outside of Victoria, Australia?
The Trust Deed of the Foundation of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies does not allow grants to be given to organisations outside Victoria.
3. Can you apply and receive Warrawong funding for yourself as an individual?
No. The Trust Deed of the Foundation of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies does not allow grants to be given to individuals. Funding must be for the organisation that applies on behalf of staff or members of the organisation.
4. What does the focus of the Professional Development activity need to be?
All professional development projects for which funds are sought need to be clearly focused on early childhood education and care in relation to working with children from birth to eight years of age. Please note: We do not fund training or professional development where relevant government departments already provide funding.
5. Can the organisation apply for professional development such as a first aid course?
No. Basic training or fees that are considered as a prerequisite for employment in the early childhood sector will not be funded.
6. Can I deliver the grant application copies personally to a physical address?
No. Applications must be submitted through the electronic process.
7. If a successful grant recipient, how do we receive the funding?
Successful grant recipients will receive funding payment which will be deposited into the organisation’s Bank Account, providing requested details on the submission have been fully completed.
8. Can I contact a representative by phone or email questions about the application?
The Trustees of the Foundation together with the Warrawong Advisory Committee volunteer their time for the grant assessment process and may also work full time. Therefore these representatives have limited time outside their own commitments. The Grant Guidelines and 'Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) are designed to address general enquires. Where there is an email address provided, please note, that this account is accessed infrequently and is limited to times of the grant process only.
9. If my organisation is successful is there GST attached to the funding received?
On matters related to GST, it is recommended that you consult your organisation's accountant. Each organisation may have difference circumstances related to GST.