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Foundation of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies -

Warrawong Professional Learning grants Application Form

Be sure to read the Warrawong Application Guidelines before starting this application.

If you have previously saved this form, retrieve your saved version


Section 1 - Declaration 
Confirm . .
You (the applicant) are a registered organization in Victoria with an ABN
The organization is a not for profit organization
This application is for the provision of professional development and training opportunities for early childhood staff working in Victorian organizations
Your organization provides early childhood services to children birth to 8 years of age. Priority will be given to organizations whose staff are disadvantaged due to geographic location, physical, personal, economic or social circumstances
This grant application demonstrates that the professional development or training is for the overall benefit of the organization
This grant application does not exceed $10,000
The nominated bank account is owned by the organization, not an individual
If your organization and application does not meet all of the above criteria, you do not meet the requirements for a grant and therefore you should not proceed
If you are applying for funds to support a research project indicate whether you have received ethics approval from an appropriate Research Ethics Approval Committee at your institution
Yes  No 
If you are conducting research in schools or centres under the umbrella of an education authority have you received approval to conduct this research (if this is a requirement)?
Yes  No 
Section 2- service/organization details 
Service/organization Name

What is the name of the service/organization applying for the grant?

Type of service

e.g. family day care, childcare centre, kindergarten, etc


What is your organization's Australian Business Number?

Address of organization
Address line 2
Post code

Key contact person.

First name

Who is the contact person in regard to this application?

Last Name

What position does this person hold in the service/organization?

Confirm Email
Name of person representing the organization who is authorising the application (if different from above) 
Authorised person first name
Authorised person last name
Authorised person position
Name of Bank

A BSB (Bank/Branch Number) is a 6-digit number that identifies your bank and branch

Bank Account Number

The account must be owned by the organization, not an individual

Bank Account Name

Explanation: some centres do not operate their own bank account. Their account may be controlled by an umbrella entity such as a local council.

Provide extra information if this might cause problems in the transfer of funds
How many people will benefit?

Indicate the number of people who will be directly involved in the professional learning.

Section 3 - Your application 
Complete each of the following items with a description of the specific professional learning for which funding is sought.
Description of what the professional learning involves
Maximum 150 words[]
Aims and objectives of the professional learning and how they will be met (at least one)
Maximum 100 words[]
Benefits you expect the learning will bring to the service/organization (at least one)
Maximum 100 words[]
If applying for an accredited training/professional development program, indicate type of course and name of organization/person delivering the program
Type of courseName of Organization/PresenterWhereDate & DurationAmount
Course total

If not known, an approximate date can be provided. Note: activities must be completed by 30/06/2024.

Date of professional learning
[Select date →]
Indicate which primary aspect of disadvantage your service/organization/participating staff meet, OR which area of disadvantage the activity will assist with.
Area of disadvantage
Provide a brief and specific explanation as to how your service/organization/staff is experiencing the disadvantage chosen.
Description of disadvantage
Maximum 200 words[]
Section 3 - Budget 
Provide a detailed breakdown of the budget including any fees, staffing, travel costs, related equipment etc. using the following format
Budget ItemAmount requested
Budget total
List co-contributors including your own organization (if any) to the professional learning program followed by the amount contributed
List of ContributorsAmount
Contributor total


Total $

This must equal the total of all budget items less any co-contributions (if any)

How did you hear about these grants?
To be able to SAVE this form and come back and submit it later, you must enter a password below you will use to retrieve the form later 
Check list before submission 

Have you read the Guidelines?

Are your Bank Account details correct?

Have you provided an appropriately detailed budget?