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Foundation of Graduates in Early Childhood Studies - DO NOT SEARCH


The Forest Hill Grants applications administration and review portal is now available.

Go to https://foresthillecf.org.au/portal

Login with
USER = ##email##
PW = ##password##

You should then see 3 main sections . . Trustees, Forest Hill and Warrawong.

In the Trustees section the [View Members] button will show you the full list of those with access to the Portal (once they are invited)

The Forest Hill and Warrawong sections show tables of the applications to date, both those in progress and those actually submitted.

The "View" link at the right hand end of each application will open a pop up window (make sure you have pop ups allowed for foresthillecf.org.au) . . which shows the FULL data captured when the application was created.


Yours sincerely,

Stephen Davey
Pagination Design Services
(03) 5223 2494